Update Jan. 201l6
Due to competition now and at least a couple other people making the clips that used to occupy most of my time with production folders I now have time to fit these in again, have threader taps on hand and some sheet titanium and thumb studs in stock to do these again for folks. This is going to be a $50 job plus shipping to convert to clipped and studded for one hand open, and/or $30 each plus shipping for standard style clips only, not low riders. If you want a low rider it bumps it up so be advised. This will also of course include modes to the Gerber line of knives or other brass type knives of this type if you have them. Just touch base at STR@bladeforums.com and let me know. That or any of my emails work for pay pal also. THanks
I think every knife nut has owned at least one Buck 110 in their life time. I know I have had several and I remember as a boy using mine doing everything from whittling on the porch just making shavings to actually field dressing small game a time or three.
I also recall buying those early slide on spring steel attachments sold in various places that you started on the blade at the swedge taper and then gently nudged it on up to about where the thumb stud is mounted on this one. Those little spring steel attachments were equipped with a wing that allowed one hand opening and although they would eventually pop off it was usually a pretty simple matter to slide it back up on there if you didn't lose it.
Had I thought of it back then I'd surely have tried to make a pocket clip but the idea just didn't take until a man named Sal Glesser from Spyderco knives changed all that in the early 80s. Back then the sheath it sold in was the only way to carry such a big knife.
Anyway I've had a lot of the Buck 110s and even the 112 Rangers, as well as many of the little 501 Esquire models, well I guess its just called the Squire now, but they have all been here as well as many more for this upgrade of a thumb stud and a pocket clip for either tip up or tip down right or left hand carry.
Some have wanted ambi thumb studs, some just one, some wanted multiple mounting options for the clip while others knew just what they wanted and didn't worry about any others. This young man that owns this knife shown will feel like he just got a new knife when it returns to him here shortly, even though its his same trustworthy hunting companion he has used many times.
I have tons of pictures stored of the various models I've converted like this for people but the idea to post them here just never occurred to me until today.
We live in the rural South where hunting is a natural past-time for boys as is carrying a pocket knife. That particular knife is my son's hunting knife, and he has talked non-stop about it since I sent it in to STR for modification. When he saw the pictures today, he was practically drooling at the mouth for it's return. He is 12 and killed his first deer when he was 9. His younger brother wants the same thing done to a Buck 110 for him (he is 9 and killed his first deer at 7), so I will most likely pick up another Buck 110 for Steve to work on and put it in the safe until the youngest turns 12. --John M.
I grew up in West Virginia where all my brothers and sisters, and my mother as well as most of the rest of my relatives still live. We hunted from an early age and relied on the meat. To this day my high school, actually every school grammer, middle or high closes the first week of deer season every year. Its hard to get an education when the teachers are hunting too!
He'll like that Buck a lot. It opens easier than I expected. He picked a good one. He may not find it as easy to open as I did but as far as 110 models go thats about as good as it gets.
Hi STR -
I had a Buck Ranger, and my boss at the time (around 1978 or so) bought us both those little clips you spoke of - he was a knife guy and had a Buck Rander as well.
I really like your idea of mounting the clip to the 110 - that would allow a guy like me to take his old Buck with him, since I don't want (or shouldn't) wear a belt sheath in a crowded and ever-so-politically-correct) office.
Thanks for the pictures.
best regards -
Yeah I understand the politically correct issue. That issue is the biggest part of the reason there is a demand for mini pry bars like the titanium ones I've been offering for the last three years. I don't think something like that would have sold as well just a few years back but so many offices and work environments have no knife policies now that people needed to find something to fill the void.
Thanks for stopping by.
Do you offer the service of adding a thumbstud and pocket clip for a Buck 110? If so, how can I get my knife to you?
Mike Rollins
Thanks in advance for you response.
Yes just simply find my question form for what I need to know in order to do the job, print out or legibly write out the details covering what I need from you on my form and mail it and the knife. Once here things generally get in and out within 48 hours if not far less. See my work order form thread and more here http://www.bladeforums.com/forums/showthread.php/525771-Low-Rider-Pocket-Clip-info-mailing-instructions thank you for asking
Looking So beautiful!
Same to my buck 110
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